Tuesday, March 12, 2013

February 28th- 19 Days and Counting!!

That's right. I only have 19 days left in the MTC. How in the world did that happen? Also, this shift key doesn't want to go down, so I may stop capitalizing things. we shall see.

Before I forget, Dad, tripe is gross, how dare you send that picture to me. I appreciate you thinking of me though ha ha.

First and foremost, thanks so much for making the start of year 24 awesome! I was so surprised to receive not only pie (Breanna, you are the best. I just started laughing and all the other sisters in my district were like, "Someone sent you pie?!?!" Needless to say, the were also very grateful for pie ha ha). I got the jewelry which is beautiful and the edible arrangement. That edible arrangement gave me quite the experience though. 

Brace  yourself for the funny story of the week. HERE WE GO! (Move reference Dad?). On Saturday, I was minding my own business working out and watching some Mormon messages. What could be better? We actually really appreciate having a time set apart for gym. Anyway, there I was when the guy manning the gym turns to everyone and says, "is there a sister Danielle Adams here?" Um, yes random sir. that would be me. "You need to go to the front desk, like right now. Go get your companion and go the front desk now." In case you couldn't tell, he spoke in scary tones. So I get my companion. Neither of us know why we have to go to the front desk. Sora Stewart's afraid, I'm freaking out. I told her that I was trying not to be worried because I would look stupid if i were worried and it was no big deal. At the same time, we're both wondering if someone has died and my mother will be weeping on the phone when i get to the front desk. The moment of truth came. The front desk guy approaches us. I tell him i have no idea why i'm there. he looks at my tag. looks at the desk. picks up this giant arrangement of fruit. And that was that. We started laughing so hard as we walked back to the residence. Thank you gym guy for making me think someone was dead. Happy Birthday.

It really was a good birthday though. on saturday we got our teacher to tell us how to sing happy birthday in romanian. i wrote it down, but i can only remember the tune for the ending bit. i'll sing it to you in a year and a half :) now it's time to bring out my notes to make sure i respond to everything and remember to share what i want to share. 

Concerning movie quotes: I thought I said Robin Hood. I meant to if i didn't because i definitely know that quote . i demand a recount! also the movie reference from this week is from indiana jones and the last crusade. As for the pink panther references, I don't remember the old ones at all. the only bit i remember is when he has a peg leg and an inflatable parrot. that makes me laugh just thinking about it. let's watch them when i get home. Oh, you're other reference i think was another go at robin hood (talking in my ear = hissing in my ear).

Daddy, I love that you're already picking up Romanian words. In the letter I received from you yesterday, you said Heavenly Tata. That made me smile. Let me teach you how to say all of the title in Romanian. Tata Ceresc. That's pronounced like chair-esc. Also you've definitely noticed some differences with the language just by attempting to write me using google to translate. What you noticed was accurate. They don't have articles and they definitely don't use an s to pluralize. Don't get me started on past tense either. Future tense isn't bad. Let me tell you, we're learning more about english than we thought we would by learning romanian.  So with articles like of or the, those just get added on to the end of words. Example. Duh Sfant (can't add accents but they are there!) is Holy Ghost. Duhul Sfant is the holy ghost. Duhului Sfant is of the holy ghost. Pluralization is harder. The ending changes depending on if the word is masculine, feminine, or neuter. One example of a pluralized word is as follows: the word for brother is frate. the pluralized form is frati. The t gets an accent on that one. That's an easy example. The way you add articles will also change depending on masculine, feminine, or neuter. There are so many grammar rules! On the other hand, I'm sure english is super confusing for non native speakers.

Grandpa, thanks for the letters. I will have e-mail in Romania as well. My district thinks you're awesome by the way. That's a good thing :) oh and your birthday card made me dizzy too.

Mama, I'm so glad to see how the Lord is blessing you. I've been keeping you in my prayers and i know he will continue to bless you. He loves you very much and is very aware of your situation. Feel free to read any of my books. Just make sure they get put back te rog (please). Also, tell Luna she's allowed to keep living in my room as long as she doesn't pee on anything. ha ha. And once again, thanks for the gifts. You are very thoughtful. It's funny that you wrote to me about seminary because that day i got that letter i realized something. Seminary did me good! i never doubted that it was a good thing, and i've always been grateful for it, but at the time, I was so grateful that i wasn't asked to speak at graduation because i couldn't think of how it had specifically blessed me. that day when i was doing my scripture study and making connections and quizzing Elder jarman on scripture mastery references, it hit me. Seminary laid the foundation for much of my gospel learning. i'm sure it blessed me in high school in ways i didn't realize at the time. i'm so grateful for the strength and knowledge i gained in those years. to all my seminary teachers (you're included in that, remember?) thank you! Sorry you had to put up with us... But thank you for pressing forward! Seminary is awesome.

The coolest experience i had this week involved one of our investigators, Stela. We love her. Once again, let me remind you that these are not actual investigators, but they are teachers playing the part of their old investigators. it is amazing how we are learning and how real it feels. Anyway, on tuesday we taught her about the plan of salvation. the spirit was there even though i forgot to let sora stewart talk about premortal life. oops. we shared a scripture with her, enos 1:27. When she read it, she asked how she could have what was described in the verse. Although we hadn't planned on it, we both felt the prompting to invite her to be baptized. i didn't know if sora stewart was feeling it, but there was no denying the feeling that was in my heart. I hesitated, but then i went for it. We told her that she could have those things if she prayed, repented, went to church, read the scriptures, and was baptized. We then asked if she would prepare for baptism. She said she would, so we will be teaching her more about baptism tomorrow. We felt so good afterwards! It was so wonderful to see how the spirit will guide us and how he spoke to both of us. I'm learning so much here. It's almost time for us to leave and i can't believe it!

I love you all! Thanks so much for your love and letters. May the Lord continue to bless you. Oh forgot to say our devotional this week was by M. Russell Ballard. I'll have to send home a letter about it as my companion is waiting for this computer. Needless to say, it was very good. 

And megan i am so happy and excited for you! 

Love Sora Adams

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