Monday, March 25, 2013

Fisrt Week Addendum

Here's another note. This is what I sent to my president.

I can't believe that it's already been a week since I hopped on a plane in Salt Lake. I realize that's not that long in the scheme of things, but still,   things just move right along don't they? I am so grateful for Sora Heim. It's a little scary (to say the least) to finally be out here among people who's native language is not the same as your own, but Sora Heim is helping me and teaching me. Also, I know that Heavenly Father is aware of me. He will give me the strength I need, and I know that I'll get better over time. The branch and the few investigators I've met so far seem really nice. I want to make an effort to talk to them more even if all I can say is "How are you?" I've really been enjoying my studies. I hope that I will continue to use the study skills I gain here when I return home.  I feel like I'm coming to know, understand, and love the scriptures more as I'm making this effort to study. I think one of my favorite experiences from this week is when we went to visit an older member, Sora Mitin. She's been struggling with cancer for some time now. I think it's hard for her to leave her home sometimes. She also has a hard time reading, so we went to check up on her and to read to her from the scriptures. As Sora Heim and I took turns reading, I thought to myself, "I may not be able to speak, but this is one thing I CAN do." I was glad to be able to help this daughter of God. 

First Week In Romania

Hello, hello, hello! Thank you for the e-mails. I really appreciate them! Please continue that practice :)

Hopefully I remember to respond to everything. Ready, set, go!

So far Romania seems like an awesome place to be. Turns out talking to people in a language that isn't your own is extremely scary, which is why I've only done it like once. I am grateful for the patience of my companion. All the members refer to me as boboaca. I'm not sure if that's how it's spelled, but it means duckling. So I can't understand a ton of what they're saying, but I know whenever they talk about me because I'll hear boboaca.  Well, at least I'm being noticed. Ha ha.

Tuesday afternoon I arrived in Bucherest after way too much time of being on a plane (three planes actually). Our mission president and his wife met us after baggage claim. They are so nice! We had to take care of some stuff (visas, quick medical visit where they just checked my blood pressure really). I had my first soarma! That was magically delicious. We had interviews with the President and Sora Hill. After all of that, we went to the mission home where we had dinner.

I feel like my story telling skills are lacking, but I'm not sure how much time I have left. Maybe I'll just throw in some more caps and exclamation points.

AFTER DINNER I MANAGED NOT TO DIE ON THE METRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, that's definitely more exciting. Sora Stewart and I went with a couple of sisters to their apartment. So we got on the metro and walked a ways. Oh by the way, there are a lot of dogs here. Stray dogs. Not to pet and cuddle with dogs. Most of the ones I've seen so far seem nice and are really pretty. There's not as many in Timisoara, but I definitely saw a bunch in Bucherest. There's a story behind it, but I don't know exactly what it is. You should look it up.

I was pretty much dead by the time we got to the apartment.  Sleeping on airplanes is really hard... There were a bunch of sisters there that night because of transfers. Pretty much, a good chunk of the mission has to travel to Bucharest to switch and go to their appointed places. So I got an air mattress on the kitchen floor. I didn't mind. I was pretty much out the moment I laid down.

In the morning, we headed to a park, which is where that picture was taken with me and the mission president. We sang some hymns and President Hill read the dedication of the Romania mission. There was a guy there who stopped to listen to us as we sang. He then sang a couple of hymns for us. It was really cool. Oh, that's actually when we went to get visa stuff... Days just sort of run together.

After that, we got paired up with our new companions. Mine is Sora Heim who is also from Washington. We headed to the train station after that, but we still had plenty of time before our train left, so we went to a baptism. That was cool. I rode in my first taxi ever. So many adventures already happening! We almost missed our train because we left it left an hour later than it did. We got back 15 minutes before it was meant to leave. Oops. It was a sleeper train. Another first! I was so grateful for that. I think I'm getting over the jet lag now. I hope... I've never had to fight so hard in my life to keep my eyes open!

The next morning, we arrived in Timisoara. I haven't taken a ton of pictures yet as mostly I was concerned with not losing my companion and such. My goal is to take more though. There's some really awesome cathedrals here! So pretty! You'll have to see those next week. We use buses a lot to get around. We haven't been able to teach people yet as our phone was misplaced and we couldn't contact anyone. Turns out the phone was left in the mission office. They sent it to us and we'll be getting it today. We have been doing some contacting for an English class we'll be starting on Saturday. Apparently a good portion of our investigators come from that. We've also been doing some service things. We cleaned the church, visited one of the members who is sick, and gave the branch president's wife a little Romanian lesson. So the branch president and his wife are missionaries so they're learning the language too. That kind of makes me feel better that I'm not learning it alone.

In case you were wondering, Mom, the water filter is attached to the faucet, so don't worry. No intestinal bugs will be coming home with me :)

I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father, and I know that I don't have to go through hard things alone. With him we can do all things that are required of us. He will give us the strength we need if we turn to Him. I was reading in 3 Nephi this morning. After the sign of Christ's death, but before His actual appearance, the voice of Christ is heard. In chapter 9, He asks if they will come unto Him and repent so that He may heal them. In chapter 10, He says something to the effect of "how often would I gather thee like a hen gathers her chickens, but ye would not." He then goes on to say that we need to follow Him, repent, and he will gather us. I really liked these two chapters, and realized that Christ invites us to come to Him all the time. He wants to heal us. He wants to bless us, but we've got to do our part. We have to trust Him, rely on Him, repent, and do the best that we can. But sometimes, despite His invitation, we don't turn to Him. We try to make it on our own or think that we can't come to Him for whatever reason. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us. That knowledge gives me strength. They know our concerns, desires, and struggles. They will help us in all things. Let us turn to them more often!

I'm sure I forgot something. If I did, write me again! Oh, I'm really sorry to hear about Chinchin. Josh and Heather, I love you both and I hope you are doing okay. Also, congratulations with the job and graduation!

Love you all!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

First Day in Romania

Dear Sister Adams,
My wife will shortly send you a longer letter and a photo. She arrived safely and is very happy to be here. She is wonderful!!  We love her already. How did you produce such a terrific young lady?

Much appreciation,

President Hill

Subject: Safe Arrival in Romania

Dear Brother and Sister Adams,

President Hill and I were thrilled to meet Sister Adams as she arrived in the Bucuresti airport with her MTC group. She seemed very happy to finally be in the mission field after 6 weeks in the MTC. She was surprisingly awake after her long flights. President Hill and I had an enjoyable interview where we learned more about this great young woman. I even got to talk a little with her about her writing talent. It is evident that she comes from a very loving, supportive family. Thank you very much for sending her to us. We were impressed by her maturity, faith and determination to be a great missionary.

 That night, we had all the incoming missionaries to dinner at the mission home, and then sent them off to spend the night with temporary missionary companions. The next morning, we visited Cismigiu Park, where Elder Russell M. Nelson dedicated the land of Romania for teaching the gospel. I'm attaching a picture of us there. Then, the new missionaries spent the rest of the morning applying for visas with our good office elders, before returning to the mission home, where they worked hard to stay awake through our orientation meeting. Sister Adams is now with her initial companion, Sister Heim, in Timisoara. Sister Heim is a fun missionary who will be training for the first time. Timisoara is a beautiful and historic city, and a wonderful senior couple who live there will be available to help Sister Adams if she needs it.

Thanks again for sending us such a wonderful young sister missionary. We could instantly tell she will be a very good, faithful, hard-working missionary.

With much appreciation,
Sister Hill
Romania/Moldova Mission

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March letter to Home

Draga Mama and Tata,

I didn't think I'd be able to send you a hand written letter today but it looks like I was wrong.  I also wasn't sure if i had anything else to say, but you both said something in your letters this week about liking to go to the mailbox now.  Who am i do rob you of that. =)

Thanks for sending me that LOTR quote in it's fullness.  I mentioned LOTR the other day and Sora Stewart said, " I saw that once.  I didn't get it. . .". Clearly she doesn't understand greatness. Ha  Ha.  That story is so much more than a story about a powerful ring just like signs isn't just about aliens and Harry Potter isn't just about a boy wizard.  At least to me.  Regardless of what creators of these stories may have intended, they have a personal meaning for me, one that reminds me that in the ongoing battle of light versus dark, the Savior is my captain and the battle will be won. Through Christ all may be victorious.

 I don't know how to transition from that but.... here we go!!you know what's better that "All creatures of our God and King in English? The same song in Romanian. (Mr Bean has ruined that song forever!!)

I packed up all my stuff today so I could weigh it and see if I need to send anything home as I got some books here at the MTC, Miricle of Miracles I am within the weight limit so I won't be sending anything home.

I met Teri Pyne today.  She got me doughnuts- Nom Nom Nom!!!!

We are hoping to get travel plans soon.  I'll make sure you get all that info.  I'll be calling from the airport.  I don't know how I am going to be able to talk to you all at once.  Which phone should I call?  I can't wait to hear your voices on the 18th.  And then not long after that I get to talk to you on Mother's Day!! That will be fun.

Oh Daddy, thanks for telling me your story about when you were discouraged on your mission.  I thought of it the other day when I was feeling a little down.  don't worry.  "I got better."  I really do feel the strength and love of the Lord.  When we say our companionship prayer at night I have started asking Sora Stewart what she's thankful for in particular that day.  We both say something so we remember to thank Heavenly Father for it and so we can recognize the good things in our lives each day.

 So I'm reading through the war chapters right now and i just love how even in times of war these great Nephite leaders recognize that they are victorious through the goodness of God.  I was also realizing how important liberty was to Captain Moroni.  As I was reading I thought of the founding fathers and the birth of this nation.  I feel like in today's society we are trained to have separation of church and state to the extreme, to the point where religion is our secret second life that we never mention.  I understand the need for separation (see Pope VS Roman Emperor for example.) But people seem to want to keep God in churches and not outside of them.  I could be wrong in my observations, but we need to keep Heavenly Father in all of our life.

Sometimes I think there are times where I could have been a better witness or example.  Anyway, just some thoughts I had this week.  I love you tons.  I hope all is well a home.

Hey it's March!

 SALUTATIONS! This week while I was doing service, my companion and I were working with a sister who is going to Italy. In her district there is an Elder from Sweden. Apparently, after eating the food here at the MTC he told everyone how American food is gross. I told this sister that cafeteria food does not count as American food. In fact, it's in a whole category all by itself. I'm sorry this poor Elder only has cafeteria food to judge American food by. They probably still have better food in Sweden... Ha ha.

Okay, Dad. Back to you. I feel like a failure. Why? Because I couldn't for the life of me figure out your movie quotes! Well, I did get National Treasure 2, Winnie the Pooh, and Phantom of the Opera. The one that is bugging me the most is "Everything that follows is a result of what you see here." It's been driving me nuts! Where is that from? Even the other sisters in my district want to know. They've all figured out that I'm a nerd with a head full of information which isn't always useful. But hey, now half of my district knows who Columbo is. 

Oh goodness. I just began to switch my clothes to a dryer and the lint catcher looked like it was covered in a dead animal. Not joke. Sora Peterson is finishing it up for me so I can finish here.

This week had some awesome moments. Last week, we met individually with one of our teachers to make some goals for the rest of our stay here at the MTC. I believe we are having a follow up on those tonight. For me personally, I wanted to become better at learning to recognize and act on the promptings of the spirit. Sunday night, we were able to watch an old talk given here at the MTC by Elder Bednar. I don't know if you can find talks from the MTC, but if you can, You should look up "The Character of Christ" and "Recognizing the Spirit" both by Elder Bednar. They are so fantastic! So the one on Sunday was on recognizing the spirit and I felt like it was just what I needed. He said that the one question he gets most often as he travels around the world is how we can know if it's the spirit or our own thoughts. Elder Bednar's advice? Stop worrying about it. If you are doing all you can to keep the covenants you've made with Heavenly Father and living a life in harmony with the gospel than the Lord will direct thy paths. You will be at the right place at the right time. Words will be given to you that you should say. And most of the time, you won't even realize you are acting on inspiration. I made a note at some point to start writing down more of the thoughts that come to my head because I know especially now as I prepare to serve Heavenly Father's children in Romania that He is guiding me, and I should pay attention to the things He's trying to teach me and guide me to do.

A couple days later, we had a lesson with Stela. We were a bit afraid for this lesson because we were teaching her about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. She's already committed to baptism. With her circumstances, she has to work a lot to be able to support her three children. As we told her about keeping the Sabbath holy, it was evident that this was a hard thing for her to hear. She explained that she wasn't sure that she could commit to not working on Sunday at all because of her situation. Then a scripture came to my mind. It's found at the end of 3 Nephi 13. In this part, Jesus himself is talking to the people of the Nephites. He tells them to take no thought asking what they should eat or wither should they be clothed because God knows that they have need of all those things, but seek ye first the kingdom of God. It was hard for me to find it because I only had my Romanian scriptures with me. Sora Wilson (my teacher who plays Stela) had to help me a bit. I read the scriptures and was amazed to look up and see that their were tears in her eyes. I testified to her and then she said she would ask for Sundays off. It was an incredible experience and I know that it was the spirit that guided us in that moment. It may seem weird to think of these teaching experiences when they are our teachers that we are teaching, but they go completely into character of these people they know and love, and I can testify that these experiences are real. I'm so grateful for these teachings opportunities at the MTC because we are learning to recognize those promptings and to trust in the Lord.

Another couple of notes before I sign off until next week. We are hoping to get our travel plans today, so hopefully I can tell you about that next week. Mom and Dad, I'm going to meet Teri today. I'm excited for that. Mama, keep track of those family history notes so I can check them out when I get back. Also, I'm glad you are liking Preach my Gospel. There is so much to learn from it! What so wonderful about the book as well is that it explains things in simple terms but still accurately and with power.  It will be a great asset to you as you teach your young women. Daddy, I have a Mormon Message I want you to watch. It's on It's called Earthly Father, Heavenly Father. I've seen it a couple times now, and every time I do, I think of you. I've been thinking a lot about the power of example particularly the example of parents and how their example can strengthen their children and lead them on the path towards our Heavenly Father. Some examples from the Book of Mormon are the stripling warriors mothers, Alma the younger's father, and Mosiah. I love the Book of Mormon so much! There are so many good things in there. It has and continues to bless my life and I would encourage all to read it, and once you've finished, read it again.

I love you all very much! I hope all is going well on your end. Next week will be my last e-mail from the MTC! AH! Talk to you soon!


Sora Adams

February 28th- 19 Days and Counting!!

That's right. I only have 19 days left in the MTC. How in the world did that happen? Also, this shift key doesn't want to go down, so I may stop capitalizing things. we shall see.

Before I forget, Dad, tripe is gross, how dare you send that picture to me. I appreciate you thinking of me though ha ha.

First and foremost, thanks so much for making the start of year 24 awesome! I was so surprised to receive not only pie (Breanna, you are the best. I just started laughing and all the other sisters in my district were like, "Someone sent you pie?!?!" Needless to say, the were also very grateful for pie ha ha). I got the jewelry which is beautiful and the edible arrangement. That edible arrangement gave me quite the experience though. 

Brace  yourself for the funny story of the week. HERE WE GO! (Move reference Dad?). On Saturday, I was minding my own business working out and watching some Mormon messages. What could be better? We actually really appreciate having a time set apart for gym. Anyway, there I was when the guy manning the gym turns to everyone and says, "is there a sister Danielle Adams here?" Um, yes random sir. that would be me. "You need to go to the front desk, like right now. Go get your companion and go the front desk now." In case you couldn't tell, he spoke in scary tones. So I get my companion. Neither of us know why we have to go to the front desk. Sora Stewart's afraid, I'm freaking out. I told her that I was trying not to be worried because I would look stupid if i were worried and it was no big deal. At the same time, we're both wondering if someone has died and my mother will be weeping on the phone when i get to the front desk. The moment of truth came. The front desk guy approaches us. I tell him i have no idea why i'm there. he looks at my tag. looks at the desk. picks up this giant arrangement of fruit. And that was that. We started laughing so hard as we walked back to the residence. Thank you gym guy for making me think someone was dead. Happy Birthday.

It really was a good birthday though. on saturday we got our teacher to tell us how to sing happy birthday in romanian. i wrote it down, but i can only remember the tune for the ending bit. i'll sing it to you in a year and a half :) now it's time to bring out my notes to make sure i respond to everything and remember to share what i want to share. 

Concerning movie quotes: I thought I said Robin Hood. I meant to if i didn't because i definitely know that quote . i demand a recount! also the movie reference from this week is from indiana jones and the last crusade. As for the pink panther references, I don't remember the old ones at all. the only bit i remember is when he has a peg leg and an inflatable parrot. that makes me laugh just thinking about it. let's watch them when i get home. Oh, you're other reference i think was another go at robin hood (talking in my ear = hissing in my ear).

Daddy, I love that you're already picking up Romanian words. In the letter I received from you yesterday, you said Heavenly Tata. That made me smile. Let me teach you how to say all of the title in Romanian. Tata Ceresc. That's pronounced like chair-esc. Also you've definitely noticed some differences with the language just by attempting to write me using google to translate. What you noticed was accurate. They don't have articles and they definitely don't use an s to pluralize. Don't get me started on past tense either. Future tense isn't bad. Let me tell you, we're learning more about english than we thought we would by learning romanian.  So with articles like of or the, those just get added on to the end of words. Example. Duh Sfant (can't add accents but they are there!) is Holy Ghost. Duhul Sfant is the holy ghost. Duhului Sfant is of the holy ghost. Pluralization is harder. The ending changes depending on if the word is masculine, feminine, or neuter. One example of a pluralized word is as follows: the word for brother is frate. the pluralized form is frati. The t gets an accent on that one. That's an easy example. The way you add articles will also change depending on masculine, feminine, or neuter. There are so many grammar rules! On the other hand, I'm sure english is super confusing for non native speakers.

Grandpa, thanks for the letters. I will have e-mail in Romania as well. My district thinks you're awesome by the way. That's a good thing :) oh and your birthday card made me dizzy too.

Mama, I'm so glad to see how the Lord is blessing you. I've been keeping you in my prayers and i know he will continue to bless you. He loves you very much and is very aware of your situation. Feel free to read any of my books. Just make sure they get put back te rog (please). Also, tell Luna she's allowed to keep living in my room as long as she doesn't pee on anything. ha ha. And once again, thanks for the gifts. You are very thoughtful. It's funny that you wrote to me about seminary because that day i got that letter i realized something. Seminary did me good! i never doubted that it was a good thing, and i've always been grateful for it, but at the time, I was so grateful that i wasn't asked to speak at graduation because i couldn't think of how it had specifically blessed me. that day when i was doing my scripture study and making connections and quizzing Elder jarman on scripture mastery references, it hit me. Seminary laid the foundation for much of my gospel learning. i'm sure it blessed me in high school in ways i didn't realize at the time. i'm so grateful for the strength and knowledge i gained in those years. to all my seminary teachers (you're included in that, remember?) thank you! Sorry you had to put up with us... But thank you for pressing forward! Seminary is awesome.

The coolest experience i had this week involved one of our investigators, Stela. We love her. Once again, let me remind you that these are not actual investigators, but they are teachers playing the part of their old investigators. it is amazing how we are learning and how real it feels. Anyway, on tuesday we taught her about the plan of salvation. the spirit was there even though i forgot to let sora stewart talk about premortal life. oops. we shared a scripture with her, enos 1:27. When she read it, she asked how she could have what was described in the verse. Although we hadn't planned on it, we both felt the prompting to invite her to be baptized. i didn't know if sora stewart was feeling it, but there was no denying the feeling that was in my heart. I hesitated, but then i went for it. We told her that she could have those things if she prayed, repented, went to church, read the scriptures, and was baptized. We then asked if she would prepare for baptism. She said she would, so we will be teaching her more about baptism tomorrow. We felt so good afterwards! It was so wonderful to see how the spirit will guide us and how he spoke to both of us. I'm learning so much here. It's almost time for us to leave and i can't believe it!

I love you all! Thanks so much for your love and letters. May the Lord continue to bless you. Oh forgot to say our devotional this week was by M. Russell Ballard. I'll have to send home a letter about it as my companion is waiting for this computer. Needless to say, it was very good. 

And megan i am so happy and excited for you! 

Love Sora Adams