Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March letter to Home

Draga Mama and Tata,

I didn't think I'd be able to send you a hand written letter today but it looks like I was wrong.  I also wasn't sure if i had anything else to say, but you both said something in your letters this week about liking to go to the mailbox now.  Who am i do rob you of that. =)

Thanks for sending me that LOTR quote in it's fullness.  I mentioned LOTR the other day and Sora Stewart said, " I saw that once.  I didn't get it. . .". Clearly she doesn't understand greatness. Ha  Ha.  That story is so much more than a story about a powerful ring just like signs isn't just about aliens and Harry Potter isn't just about a boy wizard.  At least to me.  Regardless of what creators of these stories may have intended, they have a personal meaning for me, one that reminds me that in the ongoing battle of light versus dark, the Savior is my captain and the battle will be won. Through Christ all may be victorious.

 I don't know how to transition from that but.... here we go!!you know what's better that "All creatures of our God and King in English? The same song in Romanian. (Mr Bean has ruined that song forever!!)

I packed up all my stuff today so I could weigh it and see if I need to send anything home as I got some books here at the MTC, Miricle of Miracles I am within the weight limit so I won't be sending anything home.

I met Teri Pyne today.  She got me doughnuts- Nom Nom Nom!!!!

We are hoping to get travel plans soon.  I'll make sure you get all that info.  I'll be calling from the airport.  I don't know how I am going to be able to talk to you all at once.  Which phone should I call?  I can't wait to hear your voices on the 18th.  And then not long after that I get to talk to you on Mother's Day!! That will be fun.

Oh Daddy, thanks for telling me your story about when you were discouraged on your mission.  I thought of it the other day when I was feeling a little down.  don't worry.  "I got better."  I really do feel the strength and love of the Lord.  When we say our companionship prayer at night I have started asking Sora Stewart what she's thankful for in particular that day.  We both say something so we remember to thank Heavenly Father for it and so we can recognize the good things in our lives each day.

 So I'm reading through the war chapters right now and i just love how even in times of war these great Nephite leaders recognize that they are victorious through the goodness of God.  I was also realizing how important liberty was to Captain Moroni.  As I was reading I thought of the founding fathers and the birth of this nation.  I feel like in today's society we are trained to have separation of church and state to the extreme, to the point where religion is our secret second life that we never mention.  I understand the need for separation (see Pope VS Roman Emperor for example.) But people seem to want to keep God in churches and not outside of them.  I could be wrong in my observations, but we need to keep Heavenly Father in all of our life.

Sometimes I think there are times where I could have been a better witness or example.  Anyway, just some thoughts I had this week.  I love you tons.  I hope all is well a home.

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