Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bricks of Faith

We finally have snow. I'm grateful it's not a lot where I am. There's a lot more in other parts of the country. We're still keeping warm and finding ways to continue with the work.

We started English classes again last week for example. We're teaching beginner's which I've never done before. I was a little nervous, and then I saw how many people showed up and I was even more nervous. We had a great turn out! It turned out well. The whole time I was worried about it. I think I just needed to get that out of my system though. Our second class was on Saturday and I wasn't nervous at all. We have some good people in our class who are happy and have a sense of humor which makes it all the nicer. A few students have been approaching us to learn more about the gospel. It will be great if we can find more people to teach that way.

We had exchanges this week with Sora Polatis and Sora Peterson. It was so great to see Sora Peterson and to talk to her for awhile. She was in my MTC group and it was just so great to see how much we've learned and how far we've come. It will be fun to see her again at the end of our missions and have a final look back at everything.

We got to visit some amazing members this week. I really can't give over how great some of these people are. They have strong faith and love. They love when we can visit and they always want to serve us. It never ceases to amaze me. One of these members just came up to me at church on Sunday and asked us if we had any appointments after church. When I said no, she invited us over to visit and eat with her. While there, one of the things we talked about was tithing, and I loved one of the things she said about it. She said that she doesn't have a hard time paying tithing because even if it's small she always imagines that her little donation is represented by even the smallest stone that goes into a new temple and that gives her great joy. I also admire the optimism of both members we were able to visit. They have such joy in their lives even if it's hard and if other members of their famililies aren't members of the church or aren't active. They love their families and have hope for them. They recognize how the gospel has blessed their lives and they don't want to go back to their old lives ever.

I feel like I had so many thoughts and insights this week that I'm sure which to share. Okay. I've decided. The other day, I was thinking about talents. So often when we think about talents, we think of the arts, and many times we think we're not talented because we can't sing or play the piano or anything of that nature. But there are so many more gifts than those. The ability to remain positive, to have patience, to laugh, to comfort. The list is endless, and each of us have been given talents by our Father in Heaven, and He will help us to develop those talents and use them. If we desire a talent or to improve at one we already have, we should involve Heavenly Father. He will help us in all things. I have truly seen how if something is important to us it is important to the Lord. You are not talentless. It may be hard to see in yourself, but I promise that you have been blessed with special gifts, and Heavenly Father will help you to use those gifts to bless the lives of others.

Thank you for all you do for me and for those around you.

Cu mare drag,
Sora Adams

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