Sunday, October 27, 2013

Guess Who's Being Transferred

It's that time again. My time in Cluj is spent. I'm being transferred to Arad where I will serve with Sora Ralls (who was trained by my current companion!). I'm a little sad to be leaving Cluj. It's a great city with a great branch. However, I'm also excited to see Arad. Well, more of it anyway. I've been going there for zone conferences and things since the beginning of my mission. Now I'll get to see more than just the church, mall, and train station. Plus, I've already met Sora Ralls and I know that it's going to be awesome to serve with her!

In this, my last week in Cluj, I started off by going with my district to some salt mines in the small town of Turda. I went last transfer as well, but I don't remember if I ever mentioned it. There's something really cool about playing bowling who knows how many feet under the ground. It was a good time. Plus, there were these three little boys who would hand us the balls and watch us bowl. They were adorable.

I saw D for the last time on Thursday. She wasn't able to come to church this week. We visited her with the Boyds. She cooked a wonderful meal for us, and we taught her about the law of chastity. The concept wasn't knew to her, so she didn't have any problems with it. One of the sweetest moments during the lesson is when Sora Boyd shared her testimony. She told D that great blessings would come to her and her family as she came to accept the gospel and her children followed her example. Her response was, "I would like that." I so hope that she will be baptized and that her children will as well in time. We gave her a date to think about, but we haven't officially set a date.

We were also able to meet with Sora S this week. She's the member who can't always come to church for health reasons. She is so sweet. I really appreciated something she told us. She told us how she admired what we are doing, that it's not easy to come to a foreign land with a foreign language and just the fact that we are here is a sign of our bravery. I don't always feel very brave, so I appreciated that. Moral of the story, you are braver (stronger, better, fill in the blank) than you may think you are sometimes.

On Saturday, we had an unplanned meeting with one of our English students. We met with her a couple of times last transfer, but we didn't really have a chance to teach her any of the lessons. We were helping her a little more with English. Sora Deruvo and I have been wanting to try and share a little more of our message, but we were never able to meet with her until Saturday. We got to know her a little bit more. It turns out that she already had a copy of the Book of Mormon that she had received from some Elders who knocked on her door some time ago. She's read from it and found that it goes along with what she already knows. Hopefully, she'll continue to be open to our message!

On a final note, something I'm grateful for this week is the gift of the holy ghost. Heavenly Father really does have a hand in our lives. He hears and answers our prayers. He definitely answered mine this week. I felt His love and guidance and even comfort as I expressed some of my concerns to Him or asked what it was that we should do. I'm finding through my own experience that, just as the scriptures say, the spirit speaks with a small voice. Often times, I don't think we even realize we have been guided by the spirit. If you look back on your day though, I can promise you that Heavenly Father will help you see how He's had a hand in your life that day. My suggestion is to write those things down. This morning, I read over my journal entries from this past week, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how often the Lord had helped me this week. He truly is our Father. This is His work. He loves us all more than we can comprehend.


I hope you are all doing well! As always, thanks for your support!
Cu mare drag,
Sora Adams

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