Sunday, October 27, 2013

Conquering Fear

Buna ziua, tutoror!

We’re a little late this week (just a little), but that’s because we had zone conference on Monday. We didn’t get back until yesterday and then we had to make preparations for English and such. But all has been going pretty well.

We had exchanges last week with Sora Stepli and Sora Heim, both of which are awesome. I worked with Sora Stepli for the day, and I gained some really cool insights from her. One of my favorites was some of her thoughts on fear. Since the beginning of my mission, one of my goals has been to gain more confidence. Talking to people you don’t know in a foreign language isn’t always easy. She told me that she looks at fear differently now then she did before. Now she sees it as an opportunity. She’s come to realize that fear can do one of two things: it can keep you from doing something, meaning you stay in your comfort zone and ultimately don’t progress in some way, or it can give you the motivation to do something, conquering the fear and gaining something from it. Something else she mentioned is how love is the opposite of fear, or in the words of Moroni “perfect love casteth out all fear.” I can’t think of anything else to add, but mostly I really like this idea. I’ve definitely seen in my own life how fear can hold you back. I’ve let it do that to me. Most of the times, it’s probably not a big deal, but there are sometimes where it can leave you with a sense of regret because you didn’t do something all because of fear. Don’t let fear keep you from doing something great or trying something you really want to try.

We were able to have a few lessons this week. We met with our investigator  "D" and talked to her a little about the importance of commandments and how scripture study is important. She seems to be doing really great. Her response was something to the effect of, “I know that I need to be reading in the scriptures more. I really needed this reminder.” One thing I love about D is that everything makes sense to her. She’s also a very lovely woman who works very hard and loves her children very much.

Did I mention we’ve started meeting with an inactive member?  She has the most adorable cat ever! Also, said cat was a little crazy when we were there this past week, but that’s okay because she then curled up in my lap and went to sleep. I feel like the lesson went really well in that T seems comfortable with us, and we were able to say the things that came to our hearts and minds. She still didn’t come to church this past Sunday, but we’ll continue to meet with her and hopefully she’ll start coming.

We were also able to meet with a member and talk to her about service and charity and how acts of service don’t always have to be this huge thing. Often times, small and simple things have a greater impact than we realize.


General Conference is this weekend, and I can hardly believe it! I absolutely love it. I encourage all of you to participate in some way (at church, over the internet, etc.). This is a great opportunity we have every six months to hear from the prophet and apostles. I hope you will listen with open ears and hearts and that you will feel the confirmation of the spirit that the words they speak are true.
Have a great rest of the week!
Cu drag,
Sora Adams

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