We are entering the final week of Sora Modzelewska’s mission. Weird. I’m sure if she knew what I was writing right now she’d say something like, “You have no idea.”
We had another good week. We were able to meet with D. I just can’t get over how great she is. We’ve had to move her baptismal date just so we can have a chance to give her all the lessons, and there’ve been a couple of conflicts as she’s going through a divorce right now, but she still really wants to be baptized. She’s still reading the scriptures and coming to church. She’s such a pleasure to be around. We didn’t give her the lesson we had planned on when we met with her because it was clear that we needed to cover some of her other concerns. The lesson ended very sweetly with Elder Boyd giving her a blessing. It was a sweet experience, and the spirit was definitely there.
We were able to meet with a couple of our English students one on one. I feel like I’ve been surrounded by such loving and caring people lately. These two women we were able to visit are so loving. They told us they look at us as if we were their own children. They just want to serve us and they are so appreciative and they just try so hard to learn English! I hope that we will continue to be able to meet with them. I think they really appreciate the support and our kindness. I’m just so grateful for them and for the opportunity we have to serve them.
We were able to have our Romanian barbecue! That was such an amazing evening. Again, I’m just so grateful for all the wonderful people we’ve been associating with. So we had dinner with our landlord, his wife and baby girl, and his in-laws who live with them. They are such a happy family! It is so clear that there is great love in that home. They were very welcoming. The food was great and we talked for a long time. They’ve been to church before, but they haven’t come recently because of the baby. It was a complicated pregnancy, and now that the baby is born they want to wait for her to grow up a little bit before they try coming to church again. I hope they will.
Basically what this week comes down to is gratitude for all the wonderful people here. In our branch as well I can feel the love and support of members. I feel appreciated by them even though I don’t always feel like I manage to do a whole lot. At the same time, I’ve been finding joy in little acts of service. On Sunday, our branch started a full blown primary meeting complete with singing and sharing time, which they haven’t been able to do before. They asked me to come play piano for them. Even though my skills aren’t the best, I could play well enough for the job, and it just filled me with so much joy to be able to help them in such a simple way and to feel of their appreciation. Truly there is great love and joy that comes through service!
As a final thought, I’ve been reading in the Old Testament lately, specifically the story of Moses. This morning, I read the bit about the parting of the Red Sea. As Pharaoh was coming after the Israelites and they were afraid for their lives, this is what Moses said to them:
And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will ashew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.
The Lord shall afight for you, and ye shall hold your bpeace.
After this, the Red Sea is parted, and the Israelites are brought to safety. His words just struck me. As we learn to rely on the Lord, we can face the future and life without fear. He will be our strength. He will fight our battles. Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.
Have a great week!
Sora Adams

Oh my brother Josh and his fiancé, Heather, got married this weekend.  My "flat Danielle" was there in my place so I didn't miss all the fun. =)  Congratulations Josh and Heather.  Love you.