Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hello, one and all.

Once again I was able to return to the beautiful city of Sibiu for Zone Training this week. Sora Deruvo and I gave a presentation on learning the language. That went really well. I’m glad we have those meetings. It’s good to learn new tips and review other things you’ve learned. Plus, I just always like to feel the strength from being with other missionaries.

This week, Sora Deruvo and I were able to have lunch with the senior couple serving in Brasov, the Powells. We were only with them for a short time, but I love them already. They had something for me that they were just going to bring to me at District Conference on Sunday, but they were passing through Cluj a few days early, so we just met up with them then. It was great meeting with them and feeling of their love and encouragement. Elder Powell told us not to become discouraged, that were basically starting up the church here, laying the foundations. He told us how he served his mission in Brazil 40 years ago and how it was very similar to how things are here. He worked hard, but it was also very hard to see many fruits from his labors. When he went home, he told his parents that the gospel would never work in Brazil. There was just no way. It’s incredible now to see how much growth has taken place there. They have so many members and missions. It really is incredible. Elder Powell said that in time we’ll see the same thing in Romania. I believe it. There are a lot of good people here, and I’m grateful to have this opportunity to serve them.

(Giant Marshmallows from Home!)

District Conference was so great yesterday. We had to wake up really early to catch a bus to take us to Oradea. I was just so happy to be there, to feel the love and spirit, and to see people I haven’t seen for a while. For example, I was able to see two members from the Timisoara branch! Also, the Hunts were there and other people I’ve been able to serve with. That was exciting for me!

 There were some really good talks as well. Some notes:
-Always smile. Be happy. Even through trials, we can have hope through our Savior.
-Happiness is contagious.
-Heavenly Father is our constant in our ever changing lives.
-Focus on the positive things in life experiences and in people.
-Don’t lose the magic of little things.

(Cotton Candy!)

I really liked an example that Elder Powell shared as well to demonstrate the importance of commandments and how they’re not something that limit us but benefit us. He talked about when he got his first VCR and how he thought he could set it up without using the instructions. Well, that didn’t work. So he tried again with little success. Then he looked at the manual, but only at a little, fixed one mistake, so he had an image, which was purple, and no sound. Only when he fully read the instructions and followed them was he able to have a properly working VCR. The commandments are like our instruction manual. We can’t skip any of the steps and we must follow them or we won’t receive all the blessings associated with them.

In other news, our investigator is doing better health wise. I actually know what her operation was for now--a hernia. She still needs rest, but when we visited her this week she seemed better, more like her usual self. The cool thing was that her daughter, sat in on the lesson. We'd felt like we should teach about prayer, which we did. We asked our investigator at the beginning if she would offer a prayer, and she politely declined. She'd given me and Sora Modzelewska the same sort of answer in the past. At the end of the lesson, we asked her again. She still declined, but then her daughter urged her to do it. After that she then offered the prayer. She told us it was the first time she'd prayed in public. We were so proud of her! And we were so happy to see her daughters positive influence and that she was taking part. They are such a wonderful family.

Another thing I've been thinking about this week, something that Sora Deruvo brought up the other day, is the importance of knowing who we are and what our worth is. As we come to know that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father and to Him we are of immeasurable worth, we receive strength. We become more like Him. We are more willing to be obedient. Our actions, attitude, and appearance will reflect what we know. We are happier and more able to face life's challenges. We make better choices. We stay on the road to salvation. These are all reasons why it's so important to understand who we are. For that same reason, we need to understand that that truth doesn't apply to us alone. Every single person on this earth has the same divine heritage. Every person deserves to know that. That is why we're here as missionaries, so people can know like we know who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. Not to mention, it helps to know that someone is on our side. We don't have to do any of it alone.
I hope you are all doing well!
Cu drag,
Sora Adams

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