We had some good little adventures this week. Last Monday, we went to meet with a less active sister. I believe I mentioned her before. She's the one who's inactive for health reasons, but she's super sweet. She'd expressed with us how she wished her family would accept the gospel, her daughter in particular. Her daughter lives with her during the week because she has work in town and then goes back home for the weekends to be with her husband and kids. Usually she steers clear of the missionaries. That day, someone came to the door that her mother had to talk with. The daughter came and talked to us for a little bit. Even though we didn't get into a religious discussion (it was brought up briefly before the subject was changed), I felt really good about the whole situation. She'd taken a moment to come and talk with us, and I think that's important. We want to serve people. We want to help them. We realize that not everyone is at the same point in their lives as everyone else, but I know that even those smallest of "touches" are important to lift the spirit, to bring people to Christ, or just to make someone's day a little brighter. I'm truly learning the importance of little things. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
We had interviews with President and Sister Hill this week. I just love those too. I just immediately felt joy and love just being in their presence. It just radiates off of them! I have no doubt that they care for us and they remind us that we are doing good work and help us figure out ways to improve. I'm so grateful for them.
You know who else I'm grateful for? Our landlord. Recently his been coming by a lot to help us fix up things in our apartment (like replacing our faucet that was spewing water everywhere). He's a really great guy, and we've been meeting different members of his family. He is a former investigator, but he and his wife told us that they'd like to come to church again, but they want to wait until their little baby is a little bit older. I hope they start coming again! Also, they were super impressed with how well Sora Modzelewska and I cleaned up the place. They said it's the cleanest they've seen it in the past 10ish years. It's crazy to think missionaries have been using it for that long. Anyway, it just made me think how even the simplest of things can make a big impression. They also said we could have barbecue with them as a reward. Hopefully that works out. Let that be a lesson to all of you. Clean space equals barbecue.
We had a great lesson with D this week. It was unexpected, but we were very glad to go and see her. We talked to her a bit about prophets and how they lead us and the importance of following them. We then taught her about the word of wisdom. We were anticipating some issue with this doctrine, but there wasn't a single one. She understood it and basically said she wouldn't have trouble keeping the word of wisdom as she doesn't drink, smoke, or do any of the other things listed there either. We were so happy. She is just so wonderful, and she's been such a joy to work with. Will be meeting with her again tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it!


Friday we had exchanges. Sora Gerhartz and Sora Stapley came to see us. They are both awesome. I'm glad we were able to spend that time with them. We did some contacting, and I actually felt pretty good about it. I think it may be the best I've ever been at contacting. We met this wonderful woman who is from Cluj, but we talked to her for awhile and she wants to read the Book of Mormon. We left her one, of course :)


On Saturday, the branch had a talent show. That was so fun! There was a lot of singing, playing of piano, impromptu break dancing by Elder Barclay. It was a good time. I wasn't planning on sharing a talent, but I ended up singing, which I think went well. I rather enjoy singing.
I'm so grateful for this my Heavenly Father, for my Savior, and for this gospel. I'm grateful to be here in Romania, a place I never thought I'd ever be, but I know that this is where I'm meant to be at this time. I'm so grateful for all of you as well, and I hope you are all doing well!
Cu drag,
Sora Adams

These are some pictures from our other "adventures". We went to the salt mines, yes there are salt mines, and around the city.  Enjoy!! =)