Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Forth in Foreign Lands

We got to pick some cherries this week. =)

First and foremost, Independence Day is this week! Happy Independence Day America! I think one of the most awesome things about the 4th this year is my companion convinced our branch president to have a branch activity to celebrate. She actually didn't have to try very hard. He's very excited at the prospect.

This week was very stormy--Buckets of rain and a good amount of thunder and lightning. Our umbrella's were pretty ineffectual.  We just made the most of it.  I'm sure most people were wondering what happened to summer. I was grateful for cooler weather. We got caught in a the rain a few times, but no worries. Because of the weather, only one person showed up to our first English class on Tuesday. We'd lost power in the church, which was off for two days, so we just had her fill out a get to know you sheet and let her go. 

On Wednesday, we went to the home of the woman we are helping to stop smoking to teach her two young girls English. We taught them body parts by writing the words on sticky notes and then sticking them in the right places on Sora Lund and myself. We reviewed it a few times and then taught them head shoulders knees and toes. They had a blast. We'll be meeting with them again tomorrow. 

I found this and thought it was funny:

We had zone conference this week, which is always great. We traveled to Arad for the conference. I love being with other missionaries and with President and Sora Hill and feeling of their strength and learning from each other. Plus, I got to see most of my MTC district. I'm always so glad to see them and hear that they are doing well. One of my favorite things that was shared happened in our sister's meeting. It was about the prodigal son. According to customs at the time, when the prodigal returned, the household should have gathered around and mocked him for his past transgressions. Instead, when the father saw him on the horizon, he ran to his son, taking the shame upon himself as he welcomed his son and because it was public humiliation to run in public. Later in the meeting, Sora Case mentioned how she was touched to learn that the word "succor" means run to, so when the Lord succors His people, He runs to them. It solidified the parable even more for me. The Lord truly rejoices when we return to Him. He loves and and wants to help us. His also given us agency, the ability to choose for ourselves, a great and wonderful gift. We will make mistakes, but as we make our way towards Him, he will run out to greet us and heal us of our wounds.

I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father and I'm so grateful to be here in Romania.

-Sora Adams 

PS: We went to see Romeo and Juliet after getting permission from President. We thought it was going to be the play. Turns out it was the ballet. Ha ha ha still very cool. 

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