Monday, July 14, 2014

You Are Loved

We had some cool things happen this week. I had my final zone conference where I finally got to me our new mission president. I really like him and his wife. They are really cool and have some good ideas. They gave us each some workout flash cards put together by their personal trainer. I've been using those for the past few days. I approve. I really enjoyed speaking with Sora Ivory for the brief interview I had with her. Upon hearing that I'm in my final transfer, she asked me about my thoughts on my mission as a whole.

 I told her how grateful I am for the whole experience. I'm so glad I came. It hasn't always been easy.
 There have been some trials that I never imagined I'd face, but even with those hard times I am so thankful because I have seen the hand of the Lord through it all. He has been my strength constantly! Not only that, I feel so blessed to have met all the people I've met. I've been so touched by their love, and there have been times where I have thought, "Why do you love me so much? I haven't even done anything." And yet there they were, blessing my life, and I'm so glad I've been able to be a part of their lives as well.

The STLs came to Craiova with us after conference so that we could do an exchange. I really enjoyed spending the day with Sora Hebdon. We did a lot of reflection of things we have learned on the mission. It's really cool to see how much we've grown and how the Lord has helped us overcome so much. 

Other than that, we've been doing contacting. We met with Daniela on Friday to prepare our Sunday school lesson. She stayed for our activity afterwards which was so fun. We played mafia. Daniela came to church yesterday as well. We were so excited to finally introduce her to the branch president's wife. What was even better was that they hit it off! That was our little miracle of the week. We know that the branch president's wife will be such a strength to Daniela. We'll be meeting with her again sometime this week. She's so fun, and seems to be doing well. 

Something that stood out to me this week was the chorus to a song that came on while I was exercising. It's a song by Mercy River. The chorus is meant to be from the viewpoint of our Heavenly Father. It goes like this:

Has anybody told you you're beautiful? You might agree if you could see what I see. Because everything about you is incredible. You should have seen me smile the day that I made you beautiful for me.

I don't know why, but in that moment it hit me so hard. Each one of us truly is a beloved son or daughter of Heavenly Father. He sees past all our flaws and imperfections and loves us unconditionally. To Him we are beautiful because we are His children. If we remember who we are and who everyone is around us, I know that we will be filled so much more with His love. We will want to serve others more freely because we will feel His love for them too. Don't ever forget that you are loved and that you have someone to turn to always.

Have a wonderful 

Sora Adams

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