Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wonderful Weekend

This has been a crazy weekend (in a good sense of the word).

On Saturday, we all met up at the church and then pretty much went on a mini hike to this hill where the country of Moldova was dedicated for misisonary work. We got lost going up there, so we were wondering around on this dirt road going up and then down a huge hill. Thankfully we were in among the trees. It reminded me a little of hikes I've been on back home. I'm pretty sure we passed the same goat herder at least twice. We eventually made it where we were supposed to go. It was beautiful up there. You could see almost all of Chisinau. There was a little presentation talking about the dediation. Then we all cleaned up the area of some garbage. One member pointed out that when we first got up there everyone was thinking, "What trash are we going to clean up? There is no trash." But then as we got started, we began to find all this hidden trash in the grass. There was a lot! This member said that we could apply this to our own lives. Specifically, if I remember correctly she was cautioning us not to come to a point where we think we're fine and there's nothing else we need to do and fail to realize our need for change and repentance. It was so great to be able to do some service and to be with everyone. Some potential investigaters were there as well. It was a great day. Also, prayers were answered. Many had prayed that there would be good weather for our outing. There certainly was! The sun was out and it was nice and hot. Then once everyone had finally left and cleaned up there was a huge storm, dumping rain! The timing was perfect.

The next morning we headed over to the Schwartz's apartment to help prepare sack lunches for all the members who had travelled from other cities and would have to travel back after district conference. We were so grateful for a chance, once again, to serve. District conference was so great. I lead the music and it was amazing to stand in front of everyone and to hear them. Our little chapel was packed with members from all three branches in Moldova. Hearing all of those voices sing truly was something magnificent. The conference itself was all about missionary work and love. It was sweet to hear just the impact that love truly can have and how that should be our driving force in sharing the gospel, and not only to share it with those who are still with us, but to become involved in family history work and do the work for them. We truly all are children of a Heavenly Father, a family. Together, we can help each other make it back to our father in heaven.

Yesterday was zone conference, which was also incredibly filled with the spirit. I really liked something President Hill told us: "Be optimistic. You're on the winning team. You will prevail." There were so many good things shared. I was really touched by the testimonies of the missionaries who are leaving at the end of this transfer. I was really touched by one who said that we can have success every single day. Sometimes it's hard for us to see, but someday we'll be in our various places, listening to general conference and they will announce a temple here for all our faithful saints in Romania and Moldova, and when that happens we will be able to look back and remember how we took part in planting those seeds. I agree with her. That day will come, and how great will be my joy! It's great just at the mere thought of it.

It was also sweet to hear some parting words from our misisonary president and his wife. They go home in 3 weeks. How grateful I am to them and all the service they have done here. President Hill left us all with a blessing. It was an incredible experience.
Simply put, it was a great weekend.

Very quickly, to sum up the week, it was busy! We were running around a lot trying to make it to all of our meetings and activities. I can't believe how busy we were! But it was also very nice. We're hoping to get a chance to set up a few more things this week to follow up on all of the things we did last week. 

In conclusion, I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. I know that we don't know all things at this point in time. We all learn differently and are at different levels of understanding. The gospel is very individual in that Heavenly Father leads us all according to our own needs. No one knows us better than He does. It's okay to have questions. That's how we learn. We just have to ask the one who knows the truth of all things. He will guide us to the truth through His spirit. And He will answer in His time and in His way. I also know that sometimes we have to be okay with the answer, "You're not ready for that yet. Wait a little longer. I will teach you line upon line, and in time you will understand the truth of all things."

Have a great week!

Sora Adams

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