We have been really busy lately, so busy sometimes that we're not sure what to do with ourselves or how to fit everything in, but that's a huge blessing! Seriously, I'm grateful for it.

Our Wednesday was full of lessons with Elder Schwartz and his English students again. One of the students, Tatiana, is so amazing. Well, they're all amazing. She's just the first one we met with that day, so she's the first one I'll talk about. Once she sat down and was settled, Elder Schwartz asked her what she knew about us and our purpose as missionaries. She said that she knew that we believed in a life after this one and that we can be with our loved ones for eternity. This was a foreign concept to her, but she said she really wants to believe it. At the moment she can't quite grasp it, but she has that desire. We were able to talk to her a bit about the restoration and the plan of salvation. She's a really kind and smart woman. She accepted a pamphlet on the plan of salvation, and she seems willing to learn more.

There was a misunderstanding with scheduling and the next two lessons came at the same time. Elder Schwartz took one and had the elders sit in while Sora Cox and I met with Anna again. She is so sweet. I think I mentioned how she knows a good handful of languages. She's so cute because different words from other languages will come out and she has to correct herself. Basically she's just super sweet! We introduced her to the Book of Mormon and gave her her own copy. We were also able to meet with her again with the elders and teach her a little about family history.
While we were at church, a less active who I've only met once randomly showed up and asked if we could meet with her. Once all our other lessons were done, we were able to meet with her for a little bit. We got to know her and she told us her conversion story. She's had a lot of struggles that I can't even imagine having to deal with, but she has a really good attitude, and said that she wants to start coming back to church. We have another appointment set up with her tomorrow.
After that busy day, the Schwartz's were kind enough to have us over for dinner. That was amazing, and they are amazing. That's all I have to say about that.

On Friday, we were able to meet with Sora Berdeu, and I'm so glad we did! We'd intended on visiting her, but we'd been so busy that we hadn't even had time to sit down and make many calls to set up more appointments where we could squeeze them in. I really wanted to see Sora Berdeu, so I called her as we walked home from a lesson on Thursday to ask her if we could meet the next morning. Usually we like to give people more notice than that, but it just worked out that way. She said we could come over. It was great to visit with her. We shared a little message and talked for a long while. She then wanted to show us some pictures she had from recent activities and some old ones of the branch. She showed us many pictures of baptisms from a good number of years ago. She pointed out the missionaries who taught her. It was so great to have her share that with us. She wants to make a scrapbook for the branch. I think one thing that meant the most to me is when she told us that she was so glad that we came over. She had been thinking about us all week and wanted us to come over, but she didn't want to call or bother us because she knows we are busy. How grateful I was in that moment that I had given her that call! I have no doubt that we were inspired to make time for her. She has a really strong testimony even though she can't make it to church often, and I think sometimes she misses that association with people. She's good friends with another member who comes to visit her often, for which I am grateful. Oh, I remember the thing that touched me the most. Her biggest struggle with coming to church is physical. She walks with the help of crutches and it's a slow, laborious process. Our building has stairs and sunday school and relief society take place on the second floor. It's a real trial for her to try and go up those stairs, but she really wants to come to church. She told me that she has started doing some excercises to build up her strength so that she can make it up those stairs and come to church. I was so touched by her faith! We're keeping her in our prayers, and we know that they Lord will help her with such a righteous desire.

We've had a bunch of other fun activities too: kareoke night, two firesides, English classes. Basically, we're keeping busy and loving it!
Oh also, there are these two girls that have started coming to everything, Lia and Lera. They are sweethearts! They are making connections with some of the other youth. They came to church yesterday and stayed for all three hours! They accepted copies of the Book of Mormon afterwards. We're hoping that they will be open to receiving lessons soon.
We also had a lesson with Victoria this week that went so well! We taught her the plan of salvation. We had Sora Schwartz and Sevghi there with us and they were a huge blessing. They helped answer some questions or fill in a couple of holes. I was so grateful to Sora Schwartz who had the perfect answer to a question Victoria had about Adam and Eve that helped clear things up. We didn't know how to answer it, so basically she was a little miracle for us. We asked Victoria what she thought about it all, and she said that she thinks it could be true. She didn't know how to explain it exactly, but she just said that it just made her so happy as she learned about it and thought about it. Sora Schwarz explained to her that what she was feeling was the spirit testifying to her of the truthfulness of it. Again, especially since both of them are converts, it was great to have Sora Schwartz and Sevghi there. The spirit was definitely present. Victoria is progressing, and it's so exciting for us to see. I have loved getting to know her.
Last, but certainly not least, we're having another baptism in the branch this weekend! Return next week for details. His name is Vadim, and he's so great!
Have a great week! Remember how much you are loved by our Heavenly Father and our Savior. I was reminded again this week just how much that they are a part of my life. They hear your prayers. They know your desires and dreams and they will help you to reach them. They have been such a strength to me this week. I have felt of their love and encouragement. I know that I'm not alone in life, and neither are you.
Sora Adams