Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Member Visits and Such

May 19th

This last week was transfers, and I got a new baby missionary straight from America! But I didn't go down to Bucuresti to pick her up. I was meant too, but I didn't. Here's why. There are four sisters here in Moldova, me and my companion and one other companionship in another city. The other sisters have to come down here to Chisinau and then take the train with us into Romania. When we met the other sisters at the train station, one of them told us that she had forgotten her passport. She had a paper copy of it, but that wouldn't be enough to get her through the border. Thankfully, she wasn't being transferred, but both of our companions were. So we sent off our companions on the train, hoping they wouldn't have trouble at the border, and Sora Drotar stayed with me. Our new companions would come up together. Sora Drotar's new companion is Sora Bird who I trained some transfers ago. It was so good to see her! The mission is seriously like a big family. I love seeing people I've served with again. 

My new companion is Sora Cox, and she is great! She's already starting to hand out cards for our English classes like a pro. She has a great attitude, and I enjoy talking with her and sharing ideas with her. 

We were able to have a few member visits this week that I really enjoyed. One was with Sora Drotor. We got completely lost trying to find this apartment and it was pouring rain. Thankfully we had umbrellas. Sora Drotar's shoes were completely filled with water. I could hear them squishing as we walked along. We finally made it. This member turned on a little heater for our feet and made us some tea from raspberry jam so we wouldn't get sick. She had her two grandchildren there, which was fun to see. She was glad we stopped by adn invited us to come another time. It was still raining when we were finished, so we decided to knock on the doors and do some contacting. There weren't many people home as it was the middle of the day and most people were at work. We did meet this very nice woman named Maria who accepted a Book of Mormon. We have a lesson set up with her later this week.

Sora Cox and I visited a member yesterday and it was fantastic. Her name is Lilia, and I've seen her at church, but I've never really had a chance to talk to her very much. She translates for Sora Kneib in Relief Society, which is very kind of her. We met her by a grocery store so she could lead us to her apartment which is kind of hidden away. We started talking right away, and it just felt good and natural, like we were already friends. I felt so welcome in her home, and it was so easy to talk to her, I loved her immediately. We talked to her about how we can do all things that Heavenly Father asks us to do and that He will be with us every step of the way. We mentioned how even with our weaknesses we can receive the strength to do what He asks. She commented how she thinks Heavenly Father works that way on purpose because it's when we are called in our weakness and we learn to work with Him that we become strongest. A concert pianist called as the ward pianist isn't going to have as much growth as someone who is called to the same position and all they know how to play is chop sticks. It was a very enjoyable lesson and I hope we have the opportunity to return.

Something else really cool that happened this week is that the Relief Society put together a meal for all of the missionaries. It was so sweet! Not to mention delicious! They wouldn't let us help either. We had to wait to be served. It was just so nice. Basically the people here are amazing and I'm grateful to be among them.

We have a lot of exciting potentials for this week. We have some good lessons set up, English contacting to do, and some people to fellowship and hopefully start teaching. I'm excited for it all and hope that things will continue to progress. I've really been feeling the desire to bring more people into the church and not only that but to bring people back. There are so many less actives. The other day we were looking at some old pictures from branch activities a year ago and there were a good handful of people who no longer come. It saddened me and my heart was just full of a desire to bring them back. So we started to brainstorm some ideas. I know our branch president is trying to put some programs together too to help with reactivation. I want the church to grow here, and I know it will. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father is in control and that He is aware of all of His children no matter where they may be in the world. I love these people, and once again I'm grateful to be among them.

This church is true. The gospel of Jesus Christ truly was restored to the earth and is on it today. We have a living prophet. We are loved by the greatest being there is! I am just in awe when I think of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and all that they have done, are doing, and will do all for us. I can't even express how wonderful they are. I hope you will make time in your life to strengthen your relationship with them. Talk with your Father daily. He wants to help you. You have to let Him. Let Christ help you as well to change and become who they know you can become. 

Have a great week! I'm so grateful for all of you!

Sora Adams

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