First off, transfer news! I'm staying here in Chisinau and I'll be getting a brand new missionary to train. We thought Sora Sayre would be staying, but she'll actually be heading into Romania.
In an attempt to get more lessons, we spent a good amount of time calling former investigators and were able to set up a few appointments. One appointment was with two teenage girls. We were able to have a member with us in the lesson and it made all the difference! It was seriously a huge blessing. This member is only a few years older than they are and she knew them from when they were coming to activities and lessons before. She helped us break the ice and the girls felt so much more comfortable because there was someone there that they knew. It was kind of cool to see how they remembered all the missionaries who had worked with them too. One of them had a CTR ring and she told us who she had received it from. It was a simple lesson mostly to get to know them and to see what they remembered. Hopefully we'll be able to meet with them again soon.

We had an interesting encounter on a bus this week. We were taking a bus from the center of town back towards our apartment. We standing there, riding along, maybe spacing out a little, when I realized I was standing right next to one of our English students who we've been able to meet with a couple of times. We said hello and started talking a little bit. She was happy to see us and it was all very pleasant. There was a group of people sitting in front of our student talking in Russian. I thought I'd heard one of them say "Mormon," but as I know absolutely no Russian and we were speaking with our student, I didn't think much about it. And then a man in the group turned around and told our student (in Romanian) what the woman across from him was saying about Mormons. Suffice it to say, she was mistaken in what she thought about Mormons and their practices. They were still talking in Russian so I didn't really know what I could do about the situation. Then our sweet student who has only been to a few classes and met with us a couple of times began to defend us. I don't know exactly what she said, but she gave my wrist an encouraging squeeze and smiled at me. We decided it was best for us to get off at the next stop as our presence was just causing contention. It was kind of one of those funny awkward moments that you just laugh about afterwards because what else can you do. But at the same time it's kind of cool to me that this student thinks so highly of us that she would defend us. So it was just funny, awkward, and sweet all rolled into one.
Earlier this week we were walking with one of the youth who comes to all of our activities. He's taken some lessons. We talk to him for a bit and asked him what he thought about our recent baptism. He was one of the ones who said that he was so happy he wanted to cheer when Nina came out of the water. He reiterated how happy he had felt and what a great experience it was. Sora Sayre asked him if he recognized that what he felt was the spirit. He was so cute as he smiled and nodded, "yes." This particular investigator is Jewish, so it's been really hard for him to accept the idea of Christ. So the next thing he told us was really meaningful. Basically he said that after that experience with the baptism he really wants to believe in Christ. He's not sure he can say he does believe with full confidence yet, but he really wants to. Sora Sayre and I were seriously on cloud nine after hearing that. He is such an awesome guy!

Okay, to wrap this up, I kind of just want to write exactly what I wrote in my journal Wednesday. So I'm going to:
I feel like Heavenly Father really has been blessing us lately and answering our prayers. As we've approached Him with sincere desires to be better and to share His gospel He's given us courage and charity. We haven't changed overnight into super human versions of ourselves but there have been many small blessings in response to our prayers. We are slowly but surely reaching out to more people. He is instilling in our hearts the desire to do something more. He's helped me want to be more organized, more focused. In these past few days I've had moments where I've felt His love and spirit more clearly. Basically I am so blessed. I know that Heavenly Father loves me, and He's answering my prayers. For the first time in the last couple of days I've felt for myself the truthfulness in the words that perfect love casteth out all fear. As I've been happier and felt more of God's love and the love and support of my companion it's been easier to talk to people without fear. Heavenly Father has also helped me to continue to build my testimony. I'm so grateful to Him. I love Him, and I know that I truly am His daughter.
Because I've seen these things and felt these things for myself, I know that they apply to you too. You are loved! Your prayers are answered! You are a child of God. As you come to Him and strengthen your relationship with Him you will feel more abundantly of that love and spirit. Your relationships with others will be strengthened. He will more fully be able to use you as an instrument in His hands to bless the lives of those around you. We all have the same goal and we can all make it! We can be with our Heavenly Father and Savior again.
I love you all and I'm so grateful for your support!
Sora Adams