Friday, April 4, 2014

So Long Bucharesti!


After just one transfer here in Buc I'm heading off for a new adventure in a new place. In fact, I think I'll take a step out of Romania for a bit. Do you remember how my mission is the Romania/Moldova mission? Well, they're sending me to Moldova. I'm going to Chisinau! I'll be second transfer training. I was pretty shocked, but I'm also really excited. I hear good things.

This transfer we had a little initiative to use piano lessons as a means to meet with part member families or nonmembers in general. Sora DeRuvo and I haven't had the opportunity to do any of these lessons until this week. There's this great member who's here for school. (She's been a member for a little over a year and was actually taught by one of my former companions.) She came with a friend for lessons. It was so great. Sora DeRuvo taught her friend while I got to talk to her a little bit. They only had a certain amount of time so we didn't get to talk about the gospel or anything, but that's okay because apparently we made an impression. We received a text later from this member telling us that her friend loved us and how kind we were and couldn't stop talking about us. She showed some interest in coming to activities and institute. Hopefully that will work out and Sora DeRuvo will continue to work with her.

We ended up having one final exchange this week. It wasn't required, but we discovered that if we want we can go on exchanges with the other STLs in Buc. We decided we liked that idea so that we could talk to someone else about our goals and learn from each other. I did an exchange with Sora Bischoff who is still quite young in the mission. First of all, I am so impressed with her language skills. I was actually a little intimidated at first ha ha. I should have jotted down notes on all the things we learned and the insights we shared because I feel like we had really good conversations and I can't think of any of them right now! Anyway, it was a great sunny day, and we found this great park, so we got some good contacting done. We actually met some really cool people. No one was really interested in learning more about our message, but for the most part they were still really nice. Even if people aren't ready to hear more about our message I just hope that we can have a touch for good in their lives, and if the only thing they learn in that moment is that people from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are nice people then I'm okay with that.

We had a great activity on Saturday with the Korean family in our branch. Have I mentioned the Korean family? Well in case I haven't I will tell you now. First of all, I love them. I can't get over how much a love them. They are amazing. This is why. They've only been here for a few months. They don't know any Romanian and the only one who knows a bit of English is the father. And yet they come to church every single week. They spoke in church last week and the spirit was so strong. They obviously have such strong testimonies. I believe they moved here because of work. Anyway, our activity on Saturday was to make some Korean food with them and then feast all together. They taught us to make sushi (no raw fish) and there was some noodle dish and some meat dish that I couldn't tell you what it is, but it was very delicious. I helped by cooking up the meat. Sister Lee and I couldn't communicate except for the few words we could both understand (okay, off, salt, that's pretty much it). She had Brother Lee tell me a few things, but for the most part it was just hand gestures, smiles, and laughs. As this process went on, my heart was just so filled with love for this woman. She's beautiful, has a great smile, and we were able to get along despite a major language barrier. Basically it was just great to share in their culture with them, to include them, to just be united as branch members in love and fun. Basically that was one of the highlights of my week.

I feel that there are many small little thoughts I want to leave with you as I draw near to the close of this e-mail. Perhaps I can fit it all in.

Thought 1: Look for the tender mercies of the Lord in your life. I promise you that you can find them daily. Some days they may be harder to spot, but Heavenly Father is a part of your life. You are literally His child, and He is very aware of you. Even in hard times if you have your spiritual eyes open you can see those little tender mercies. Maybe your trials won't be taken away in that moment, but Heavenly Father never requires you to go through those trials alone.

Thought 2: Prayer is a very real thing, a very real connection with our Father in Heaven. He answers our prayers. Maybe it won't be in the way or timing we expect, but He always answers.

Thought 3: We don't always know all the answers and that's okay. Not everything will make sense to us now with our mortal minds. Things just take time to be learned and we are all on different levels. We don't all have the same mind. As we seek answers and come to the Lord with our questions He will guide us and add upon the knowledge we have. He knows us best, therefore He knows how to teach us best and what we are ready to learn.

I think that'll do for now. I know that perhaps sometimes I repeat myself, but these are the things I feel like sharing again and again because they are true and I see them in my life. Last but not least, I am so excited for General Conference this weekend! I can't believe it's been six months! I'm so excited. I didn't get to hear the women's conference, but hopefully I'll get the chance soon. I encourage you all to take time for General Conference. We have been blessed with a prophet on the earth in our day who guides and directs us. I know that if we follow the counsel shared in this meeting that we will come closer to our Father in Heaven and our Savior and we will remain on the path towards eternal life. Do not take this opportunity for granted.
I love you all. I pray that you will find comfort in times when life is hard and that you will be able to see the tender mercies of the Lord in your life. Open your heart to Him. He will hear you. He will bless you. He will not forsake you.
Have a wonderful week.
With love,
Sora Adams

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