Monday, April 14, 2014

Reaching the Promised Land

Hello. Hello. Hello!

I hope all is well on the homefront. Here's the latest from Moldova. It's been raining like crazy. Well it actually isn't that bad except for this main street that's right by our aparment that could use some drainage help. The other day, the street was pretty much a river. We attempted to cross it at the end of the day, looking for shallow spots. Yeah. That didn't work. We made it home with drenched feet and lots of laughter.

We had zone training meeting this week. All the missionaries in Moldova came down to Chisinau. It was pretty great. There's been a big push to start using family history in contacting. I haven't really tried it yet. That's what part of our training was about. I love family history, and I'm excited to get to do it again when I go home. It's a little more tricky here as many of their resources haven't yet been digitilized, but steps are being made in that direction and there's still the old fashioned way of doing research. Anyway, I hope that's something that will catch fire here. We also spoke a lot about making goals and making Heavenly Father a part of that. I'm sure I've talked about that before, but I really do know that we receive extra strength as we bring our goals to the Lord, whatever they may be, and He will help us to achieve those worthy goals. 

We were able to have two lessons this week, both with people we'd met with the week before for half English, half gospel lessons. Our first one was with a middle aged woman. We had asked her to read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and she had! And she expressed some interest in continuing to read. We talked to her about the Restoration. She was very attentive. Sora Sayre and I both felt very good about it afterwards. We both took part in the lesson (Sora Sayre was so happy to have been able to speak), and even though we're not perfect with the language I felt that the spirit was with us adding power to the words we could say. I felt the spirit later as I reflected on the lesson later and felt that Heavenly Father is proud of us and our efforts. This woman wants to meet with us again and to show us all of her pictures from when she went to the Holy Land. 

The second person we met with is a college student. We had planned on talking to her about the Restoration as well, but it turned into more of getting to know each other and talking about different traditions here versus in America. As we were talking with her, we both felt that it was okay that we didn't go with what we had planned as we both felt that this was something she needed to help build up things before we continue on with more of our message. And she was able to ask us a couple of questions about how we do things, so we had the opportunity to bear testimony on a few principles such as prayer. She stayed for our sports night afterwards. (Our sport was spoons. It was still wet outside.) I'm hoping she'll come to more things in the future.

So we have institute here in Chisinau. This week we've been talking about the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. (Side Note: Institute, like church, is half in Russian and half in Romanian. It's quite the adventure. I'm starting to learn some basic Russian words. Hello. Goodbye. Thank you. That sort of thing. End of side note.) We talked about the Jaredites and their experience of building the barges and crossing the ocean to the promised land. I really liked something that the teacher pointed out. She noted that when the Jaredites arrived after almost an entire year of being in this barges at sea that they immediately gave praises to their Heavenly Father. We talked about how it couldn't have been easy to make that trip. There's a few things I've thought of that makes me grateful that I didn't have to make that trip... But I love what our teacher said. She said that the Promised Land was even more beautiful to them because of the trials they had endured and overcome. It made me think of life in general and how I feel that that applies to certain aspects of my life. Some things are more sweet to me because of the trial. I have learned some precious truths and gained greater trust and assurances as a result of some of the trials I've had to face. In my mind I thought of the Celestial Kingdom as my own promised land, and I thought of how beautiful it will seem to me to arrive, to be greeted by my Savior who will tell me, "Well done. You made it." And then to be there with those I love for eternity. The trials are worth it if that's what is waiting for me at the end, and I know that if we are faithful, that IS what is waiting for us.

How grateful I am for this gospel and to know that this life is not the end. Every life will have trials,
 but we can have peace and hope through our Savior. Because of Him, all is not lost. Because of Him, we can have everlasting life. I testify that He lives and loves us and will strengthen us in our trials. He has taken on all the pains of the world. He will lighten our burdens if we allow Him to.

Have a great week!

Sora Adams

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