Monday, March 3, 2014

Time Flies

                                                     Together Again! =)

                                              I feel like this past week went by really fast. 

We had zone training meeting on Tuesday. Sora Deruvo and I gave a presentation on obedience and the spirit. I really like the analogy that Sora Deruvo shared. She compared us to tubes, like what a plumber uses. A tube is only effective if it is clear and water can run through it freely. It can't have anything blocking the way. If we're the tubes and the water is the spirit, we need to be careful not to have anything blocking us from feeling the spirit and then letting others feel the spirit and the love of our Heavenly Father through us. The two things that block the spirit the most is pride and disobedience. The spirit helps us to know what is right and what isn't, and the spirit can't dwell in unholy temples. So obedience is essential to having the presence of the spirit in our lives. Everything that Heavenly Father commands us to do is for our benefit. Even if we don't understand why we may be asked to do something, we really can go forward with faith that we will be blessed through our obedience. 

We were able to meet with that family again (the mother's name is Elena). I love them. Those kids are amazing. Right before we left, their boy was holding the Book of Mormon and just repeated, "I love this book. I love this book." Their family is struggling a little at the moment, and it's not hard to tell that Elena is overwhelmed with wondering how she can possibly provide for her children's needs. The two girls have some medical problems. The oldest is in the hospital currently. If all works according to plan we'll be able to visit them at the hospital tomorrow. They've started to pray as a family. I hope they will continue and that they will feel the peace that comes from that connection with Heavenly Father.

We've doing a lot of contacting for English classes and just trying to get everything officially situated for the transfer and for our exchanges and such. We will have our first exchanges this week. I'm excited! We have such wonderful missionaries here. I look forward to getting to work with them. 

Oh yesterday was a good Sunday mostly because of this wonderful woman named Valentina. When we got to church, two of the elders told us that a woman that they had met through English and had taught once (maybe twice) was coming, and they asked us if we would fellowship her. She came, we introduced ourselves, and invited her to sit with us. She stayed all three hours and she was so sweet. After church, I asked her if she liked it and she said she did, especially Sunday school and Relief Society. I told her that I hope she'll come again to which she replied, "I'll come again. I'll come again." Is it possible for your soul to smile? Because that's kind of what it felt like.

Today we were going around looking at a bunch of little booths that are set up for something called martisor. It's a holiday to welcome in spring and men get little trinkets and flowers for women. We met this girl running a booth and we told her how we have English classes. She seemed interested, but she isn't from Bucherest. When she told us where she is from, we were very happy to tell her that we have missionaries where she's from too! So we gave her the number of the sisters there, and she seems very interested in going to English. She was so cute. Then we walked to the next booth where there were two woman who had seen us.

One recognized us for what we are. I feel like we connected with them instantly. They asked if Mormon men can be married to two women at once (the answer is no, just in case you didn't know). They asked a couple of other questions, and I just don't know, I just left with a huge smile on my face. We laughed together and just shared a good moment. As we left them and entered the metro I was just so happy. Those couple encounters really made my day. They were so simple, and yet because of those brief moments I feel like I can look at this day and say, "Today was a good day." I don't really know how to explain it better than that. I loved it. I loved them, and I know that their Heavenly Father loves them. Every little touch like that matters.


I feel like I could go on with some of the thoughts I've had this week, but this is getting long, and my time is running short. Suffice it to say that I know we have a loving Father in Heaven who loves us and truly answers our prayers. If you pray to Him, I promise that you will feel His love for you. I also know that we have a Savior who died for us, who paid the price that we may live with those we love for eternity.

 Continue to nourish your faith, and when you feel that your faith is waning, don't give up. Get on your knees and turn to your Heavenly Father. Continue pressing forward. Look for opportunities to serve. I can't express how therapeutic service is. It will strengthen you in many aspects. I challenge you to look for small ways to serve and then to follow through! Let someone know you are thinking of them. 

You are wonderful. I really do appreciate your support. Have a great week!

With love,
Sora Adams

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