Monday, March 17, 2014

Lots of Work to Do

                                                        We had another busy week.

We had two exchanges, one on Wednesday and one the following day. We started out by going to Pitesti. The sisters there have been visiting a part member family that lives outside of town. It takes an hour and half to get there, so that took up a good portion of our exchange! We went all together and taught the family who are amazing. They are so happy and funny. One of them just got baptized yesterday! It was so great. Once we got back from the lesson, we had to do what we call "closing ceremonies" where we do apartment checks and talk with the sisters about a few things (goals they want to set, etc). Then we had to catch our train to make it to Craiova that same evening. While we were in Craiova it rained all day. My feet got really wet. Turns out my boots are wearing out. We did some English contacting and Sora Newell and I had a 30/30 (half English lesson/half gospel lesson). We met with two girls who volunteer at a hospital together. They seem really nice and they had even read the introduction to the Book of Mormon like the sisters had asked them to. We reviewed that and talked a little more about the Book of Mormon and what it is and invited them to pray to know of it's truthfulness. They were hesitant to commit, so we bore our testimonies of the strength and blessing that it is in our lives and promised them that it will bless their lives as well. I really hope that they give it a chance.

I really enjoyed visiting with the sisters and sharing experiences with them. I learned some good things from them, and I hope I was able to help them out in some small way. Sora Gee got me to thinking about how we are chosen to be here on the earth at this time. She talked about how one of our roles is to share the gospel, and how she believes we were excited to take on that role. We have such great missionaries here. I'm looking forward to working with more of them!
We haven't been able to meet with one of our investigators again. Timing just hasn't matched up with our exchanges and all the doctor visits with her kids. We're hoping we'll be able to visit with them later in the week.

Other than that, we're teaching children's English and we've actually got a good turn out. The hard thing is that we have a couple of young ones (4 years old) mixed in with some older ones (11) and some of the older ones are bored. I think some of the other older ones just like knowing the answers so it's okay that they've had a lot of review so far. It's hard to find the balance, but we'll figure it out. I think we're going to try and find more games/songs to teach them. They should help keep it interesting.

Oh, cool story. The other day we were out contacting and someone behind me said something about Mormon. I didn't catch what they said, but Sora Deruvo did because it was Italian. She turns around and asks them if they're from Italy which they are. They strike up a conversation. It was a girl and her mother. The girl looked at Sora Deruvo's nametag and recognized the name. Turns out this girl was in the same EFY group as Sora Deruvo's sisters some time back. Small world, huh? 

One thing I've been thinking about this week is attitude and how it really does make a difference. I was impressed when we visited the sisters that although things aren't always easy and they definitely have some tales to tell that they were still laughing and smiling. They were having fun. I was thinking about it also as I did some bloc knocking this week (knocking on apartment doors). I'll be honest, it's not my favorite thing to do, but as I tried to look at it with a better attitude and took strength from my companion, it really wasn't so bad. I realize that a change of attitude is sometimes easier said then done. I think part of it comes down to creating the habit. Being happy and not grumpy honestly is a skill that can be developed. There will always be hard things that we are faced with in life. We can either focus on the negative and be grumpy and sour or we can face adversity with a smile on our face, recognizing the good that is still in our lives and the little tender mercies that God blesses us with. Smile. Laugh. It's healthy, and you'll enjoy life so much more! There's always something to be grateful for in everyday. For example, today I am grateful for biscuits, dry streets, e-mail, an awesome companion, senior couples who can cut hair (I chopped mine off today), etc. Like all things, it takes practice and Heavenly Father will help you as you come to Him with a sincere desire.
Love you all! Have a great week. We should be nice and busy again with the rest of our exchanges. I looking forward to it.
Sora Adams 

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