had another good week. We had another lesson with the man we met bloc knocking
last week. We taught him about the Plan of Salvation as
that's what we felt like he needed based on our first meeting. He seemed to
think it was interesting, but I think he needs a better understanding of our
relationship with Heavenly Father. That's really what He is--our father. I
think it was a lot for him to consider just because I think it was something
really new for him. He said that we can come by again, so hopefully we can go
over again soon.
also were able to meet with one of our English students outside of class. He is
so awesome. Sometimes I'm surprised at how much English he already knows. Sure
it's still just basic stuff, but for a nine year old kid, I'm just impressed.
We invited his grandmother to join us for the spiritual thought. We talked to
them about the Plan of Salvation too. I think his favorite part was when he
got to correct my Romanian! They were very nice to us and asked us to come by
few transfers ago, Sora Ralls went through the area book and found some former
investigators who didn't have phone numbers listed or the ones that were listed
no longer worked. She meant to go to their addresses and visit them, but she
never got the chance. So this week, we made it happen! We took an afternoon and
we searched for these people. We were able to make contact with a few of them.
We were also able to see Elizabeta again (she's the one who helped us when we
were looking for a member's apartment) and she said that she was busy at that
moment, but she wants us to come back this week only earlier in the day. We met
this lovely woman from our searching named Ana. She was very happy to see us.
It's been a long time since she's seen the missionaries, so it was cool that
she recognized who we were and she told us how great it is that we are taking
part in this work. The funny thing about Ana is we stopped by her home and her
husband answered only to inform us that Ana was out. We left, but we weren't
very far when this woman stopped us and told us how great we are and things. We
talked with her for a moment and then parted ways. Sora Ralls and I were both
confused for a moment as it seemed like she knew who we were, but Sora Ralls who
has been here for four transfers didn't know who she was. We then saw her go
into the house we had just come from. We realized she was the very person we'd
been looking for. So we went back to her door and she let us in and talked to
us for awhile. It was really cool!

were yesterday. Good news. I passed! I actually love interviews. I just think
President and Sora Hill are great. They always carry such a loving spirit with
them. They certainly lift my spirits. They're very encouraging. They really are
great people, and I feel blessed to work with them.
conclusion, something I've been thinking about is trials in our lives. As I
mentioned above, we truly have a loving Father in Heaven. Just like any father,
He wants what's best for us. He wants us to be happy, to succeed, and receive
all that He has to offer. Although it might not seem like it at the time, our
trials help us to achieve all of that. We read in the Doctrine and Covenants
"My people must be tried in
all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that
I have for them, even the glory of Zion ."
Trials are a necessary part of Heavenly Father's plan for us. And the great
thing is that we aren't required to endure them alone. He will always help us
to overcome them. It is through that process that we become stronger, that our
relationship with Him grows, and our faith becomes firm. In my mind I compare
it to a runner who is preparing for a big race. They can decide that they want
to win it, but if they don't do anything to prepare, they set themselves up for
failure. Winning requires long hours of hard work. In the moment, it's a trial
and may even seem too hard at moments, but in the end it's the only way to be
the winner of the race. In the same way, trials are the training that prepares
us for eternity. I really like something Brad Wilcox says in his devotional
called "His Grace is Sufficient." He says, "We aren't earning
heaven. We're learning heaven." I'm so grateful for this
life and all it's many opportunities. I'm grateful for a Father in Heaven who
has faith in us and will never leave us to face our hardships alone. He is and
always will be our father.
Sora Adams