Sunday, June 23, 2013


                                                         (Another "Lost Sole"?)  Ooo that was bad- That was Mom's joke!

Greetings from Sibiu! It is so beautiful here! The branch is great and very welcoming. Also, I am now serving with Sora Lund who is amazing. I love her already. Plus it helps that's she's just as much as a nerd as I am. 

Last week, I had to say goodbye to Timisoara and some pretty awesome people. On Tuesday night right before we were getting ready to leave, I got a call from a former investigator who still comes to a bunch of activities and such, she just doesn't take lessons. She wasn't able to come to FHE that night so she called so she could have a chance to say goodbye to me. I wasn't expecting it, and as I thought on it later I thought how sweet it was and how grateful I am for the time I had in Timisoara. It also occurred to me how small things really make a big difference. I think that many times we think that we don't do much at all or that we don't have an influence on people. Saying those goodbyes showed me that we aren't always aware of our impact. Those people definitely had an impact on me. I hope I had a positive impact on them. I can't think of the right words to express all the thoughts I had, but I'm learning that it really is through small and simple things that great things are brought to pass and the Lord uses weak things to perform great things. He can make us strong in our weakness. For that I am extremely grateful.

I can't remember if I've talked about this already. Hopefully not. Anyway, something else I've been thinking about is how Heavenly Father helps us to overcome those weakness and to achieve our goals. Heavenly Father knows the desires of our hearts. He wants to help us succeed, to become more like Him, and to return to Him. As we come to Him with our goals and concerns, He will help us to reach those goals. We need to strive to hear those promptings of the spirit. They are so easy to miss at times. But those quiet whisperings in your mind and heart is how He will guide you to become more of the person you want to be, the person He knows you can become. Change takes time. In general, we're not always patient people with others or with ourselves. Heavenly Father helps us change step by step Not all at once. 

Remember that with Heavenly Father and our Savior, you can conquer any trial, overcome any weakness. We don't have to go through life alone. They want to help us, and I have every confidence that with them and through the infinite sacrifice of our Savior we can live with them again with our families and have eternal happiness. When times are hard, remember to turn to your Father in Heaven. He will be your strength. Press forward. Keep the end goal in sight.

I hope you all have a great week!

Sora Adams

PS: They had a festival going on this week.  Look!  Pipers!!  The acrobats and everything were fun!

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