Monday, December 2, 2013

Training and Blessings

First of all, my keyboard is having issues, so there will be many mistakes in this message. Hopefully you can figure it all out.

                                                                        ( Transfer Day )

We've had a great start to the transfer. Can I just say that Sora Bird is awesome? Oh yeah, I guess you don't know that's ehr name. Now you do! Sora Bird is my little trainee. I'm so impressed by her. She seeeems so wise in mission ways even though she's still so young in the mission. She's going to do great things.
We had to stay in Buch for an extra day because Sora Bird had an issue ewith her visa. TEhat actually worked out in ouer favor though because that meant we were there for Thanksgiving. We got invited to a Thanksgiving feast put on by some senior couples. It was a great way to spent the holiday! We got some great traditional foods. We were even allowed to watch an animated film so we watched Monsters University with a bunch of the other missionaries in Buch. It was aweeesome and a great way to bring our newbies into the mission.

We made iet back to Arad the folloewing day. We didn't have a chance to unpack as we already had a couple of lessons. Also we got lost, twice. Eeveryething worked out in the end though, and now Sora Bird is officially moved in and our apartment's clean. We have an exchange with the sister training leaders starting tonight as well. Basically, we've been keeeeping busy.

Something cool about training is that it's a good reminder of things for me. I started jotting down notes as we were have companionship study the other day as I realized that there are some things that I could improve on, or perhaps there were just things I haven't thought about in awhile. I guess you could say that the cool thing about training or teaching is that you in turn are taught.

I've just been feeling very blessed these past few days. I have felt the love of Heavenly Father and He's helped me realize how I really have improved as time has gone on. I'm certainly not perfect, but I've improved, and that's important. I'm so grateful that He trusts me with this work, not to meeention to train. It gives me confidence to know that He knows I can do this, even in my weakness. Something I weas told recently was essentially that Heavenly Father called me as I am to do this woerk. He knows my strengths and He knows my weaknesses. With all that jumbled inteo one, He trusts me and knows that I can suceeeed. The best thing is, He doesn't eeeeexpect me to do it all on my own. He will show me the way and give me strength I neeeed. Thee same goes foer you. Heavenly Father knows what you are capable of and wehat you are capable of becoming. He also knows that certain trials will help refine you and you to reach that potential. He knows you can return to Him, the you can accomplish great things, and He will help you to accomplish them. So trust in your Heavenly Father. Trust in your Savior. And remember that they trust you. I don't know if I've said this before, but something else I've been told out here is two people can do anything as long as one of them is the Lord.
Keep being aweesomeeeee. Reeemember who you are. You are children of deity. A great destiny is yours. Accomplish great things. You're capable of it. And remember that some of the greatest things are teh smallest things. You are all overflowing with drops of awesome.
Cu maree drag,
Sora Adams
                                                            I hope you all enjoy the eextra ee's

So great to catch up with old companions whom I love! =)

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