I don't even know where to begin. How can I adequately sum up not only this last week, but the last year and a half of my life? I've had some mixed emotions this week. Someone asked me what I'm looking forward to most about going home and what I'm going to miss most about Romania. I told them that the answer is the same for both: the people. How wonderfully blessed I am for all those I've had the chance to meet and serve and to love throughout my life. I feel like I can't fully express to you the fondness I feel for my mission. I'm so grateful that the Lord called me to come here to serve the people in Romania and Moldova.
Let me tell you a little more about this week. We had a wonderful experience with the Radulescu family (the branch president and his wife). We've been meaning to help them get started with family history for a long time. The elders talked to them a little about it and then we went to help them set things up on the church's website,
familysearch.org. I forgot that the site doesn't have a Romanian option, but the Radulescus know a bit of English, and I was able to point and translate the most important aspects for them to get started. I helped them add their parents to their family tree and how to prepare those names for the temple. I could feel the spirit and a sense of excitement as I guided them through it. I kept thinking about my own family lines and how I can't wait to continue my research when I return home. Not only that, I thought of all the lives of those on the other side who will be greatly affected by the Radulescus starting their family history. It was such a great feeling. Sora Parr was sitting on the couch while I was with the Radulescus at the computer, explaining everything. When we left, she told me how strongly she felt the spirit and how amazing it was. She said she had never really had a testimony of familysearch and family history work until that moment. The next day we went over to their home again for a meeting. Before we started, Sora Radulescu pulled me over to the computer and asked me a few more questions and added a few more names with me there. She turned to me at one point, smiled, and said, "Imi place," meaning, "I like this." It made me SO happy! Seriously, that experience was one of my biggest blessings of the week.

We were able to meet with Daniela again. She is so great! I love that she isn't afraid to ask questions or voice her concerns and she's willing to listen despite our flawed language. We had a good lesson. We talked to her a little more about baptism and invited her to be baptized. Sora Parr was so great and expressed to her how wonderful she is and how we feel that she is already a member whenever we are around her. She told us some of her hesitations and concerns. We were able to address those. She then said that she didn't want to commit to a date at that time as she felt like she wasn't in the right spirit of things at the moment and she wants to make that decision when she's in the right mindset. She's continuing to progress and learn, and she noticed that she hasn't had as much of the spirit in her life since we haven't been able to meet lately, and she hasn't been able to read from the Book of Mormon. She has such a desire to learn, and I'm so glad I've been able to work with her.

And now for some final words. There is so much I could say as there is so much that I have learned and relearned. First of all, I want to express some gratitude. I am so incredibly grateful for all the missionaries I've worked with in the past year and a half. I'm so grateful for all the members here. They are incredible! They are truly inspirational. And of course I want to thank my Heavenly Father, my Savior, and my family, all of which are an incredible strength in my life.

Secondly, I would just like to share my testimony with all of you. I know that we have a Heavenly Father, and that He truly sent a savior, Jesus Christ, to atone for the sins of the world. He is our example, and if we will follow Him, He will lead us to eternal life where we will be with Him and our Father. We are loved more than we can comprehend. They have a plan of happiness for us. Trials and imperfections are part of the things we must endure and overcome so that we may learn, grow, and become as they are. No matter the hardship we may be facing, they will be right there to strengthen us and bring peace to our souls. Heavenly Father knows us perfectly, and He will guide and help us according to each of our individual circumstances. I know that the Lord is hastening His work and that you can be a part of it simply by being who you are! Let your light shine! Share the love of the Savior through your words and deeds. Serve others. Your life will be filled with happiness and love as you do so. Counsel with the Lord in all things, and He will direct your paths. Maintain an attitude of gratitude, and keep a record of all the wonderful things that the Lord blesses you with, both great and small. You are children of a loving Heavenly Father. Never forget that! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints truly is Christ's restored church on the earth today. I know that you can know that for yourself if you will do as many others have done: ask. Pray to our Father in Heaven, and He will answer you.
Thank you all for your love and support. You are amazing! See you soon :)