Monday, July 28, 2014

promised Blessings

The strangest feeling is coming over me. I go home next week. What? It doesn't seem like it. There's no way a year and a half has really gone by. People keep asking me if I'm freaking out, but I'm honestly not because it feels just like any other week. I probably won't be feeling that way when I head down to Bucuresti. Ask me then.

For the past couple of weeks we started holding a family home evening activity. We were already having activities on Fridays, but I suggested that we also have an activity on Tuesday nights after English so encourage some of our English students to come. We've done that a couple of times now and I'm happy to report that each time we've had English students stay! We have a little spiritual thought and then have some sort of activity and sometimes treats. This week we played probably the most fun game of sign I have ever played in my life. It was hilarious! I don't even know how to describe it. It was frenzied and confusing and just hilarious.

We had a lesson with an English student named Camelia. She is so sweet! She actually helped us go English contacting at the beginning of the transfer. The lesson started off a little awkwardly because we'd had a miscommunication. She thought we wanted to see her to say goodbye since I'll be leaving soon. She didn't realize we wanted to have a lesson with her. When we realized the mistake, we kind of sat there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Thankfully, Camelia is super sweet and said, "Go on. Say what you wanted to say." So we were still able to talk to her a little bit about the restoration. We also gave her a Book of Mormon which had written little messages in just for her. 

At some point during the week, I was reading notes from the blessings I received as I was leaving on my mission and reflected on my mission as a whole. As I looked at the promised blessings contained therein, I tried to think of moments where I had seen those promises fulfilled in my mission. As I was pondering this, I came to a realization: sometimes the answers to our prayers or the fulfillment of promises from the Lord sometimes go unnoticed and one of the reasons for that is because they manifest themselves in ways differently than what we expect and even perhaps than what we want. Some of the blessings I was promised I thought I would see in a different way. As I was looking back, I can see how those blessings were fulfilled in some way or another. They weren't always how I expected, but they were definitely there. I can promise you that the Lord does in fact hear and answer your prayers, and He always keeps His promises. He will strengthen you and shape you into the person that you are capable of becoming if you allow Him to do so. He loves you. I can't stress that enough. We aren't perfect, but we are loved by our Father in Heaven and His son. If we follow in the path of our Savior, we will see those promised blessings in our lives, and He will guide us back to our Father. With His help, we can be with those we love forever in a state of never ending happiness.
Have faith and hope in the future because no matter what happens you have a savior who overcame all things and will always be there to lift you up when you fall.

See you soon :)

Sora Adams

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